Yesterday, i went over to KL Sentral for meeting + training. Its like any normal training and meeting, but the interesting part was that I felt like a glutton. Im surprised that this meeting + training provided by the government actually have morning tea break, lunch and evening tea break.
Wow, all buffet. It's good to have some breaks in between trainings or meetings, i believe this helps to refresh ourselves. Sometimes when we sit in for a training for too long its hard for us to absorb any more information if it drags too long. Especially in the afternoon, its usually one of the most sleepiest time ever...
Usually how i keep myself awake is by asking questions and answering questions. That way when we talk and when people start to focus on us, our mind suddenly wakes up and we don't feel that sleepy anymore when we don't want to be embarrass ourselves. Of course ask relevant question and not asking stupid questions, if not then we will be annoying people instead...
The training and meeting ended up around in the evening before the jam starts and im quite happy about it. The next time anything related with governent meeting or training i think i'll be looking forward for it. :P Yummy yummy...
"Our mind needs to rest as well, remember to give it a break sometimes"
About Me
- Edward
- Who am I? A happy go lucky person. Believe that nothing is possible, and we must strive to succeed in our dreams. Always wanted to be an Internet Entrepreneur, and believe in helping people out when they need it.
Occupation: *Secret*
Blog Status: Still growing and getting more things to be added.
Friend's Blog
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Interesting meeting...
Posted by
10:09 PM
Labels: personal
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Going old fashion...
Yesterday, it was my friend's birthday. :P Havent got the photos uploaded yet, but i decide to post up on my gift that i got for my friend. I was thinking hard and was wondering what to really get for him. And after awhile, i thought that i should get him something really old fashioned.
As technology advanced and all and as we all grow older, we all tend to forget that sometimes the old fashioned style present is one of the best presents you could get for someone. And its much more meaningful.
So what did i get him? I got him a BIRTHDAY CARD with meaningful words that is written by me. :P Not that im a cheap guy or something, but i think sometimes its much more meaningful to get something more old fashioned where there is much more meaning and more feeling is put into it when we give it out.
Well, i just hope he liked it and I think sometimes its good to go back once in awhile to get some old fashioned presents. :)
"Dont forget the old ways as they are the foundation of the current time"
Posted by
9:03 PM
Labels: personal
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Here and there again...
Been running around a lot lately. Going to Cyberjaya, then to PJ, then back home again. Or either going to KL Central, PJ, then back home. Thats what i've been doing, running around for work. But yeah guess its good to be out from home office once in awhile. Need some change in environment.
What i realize from all these, is that projects after projects that I go for meeting and all, it can actually end up to waste of time. Yeah, its actually quite scary when we are in a project (before client signs). We have to do some research, explain to our client, propose, budget for them. And some how if they think that they want something cheaper and pick another vendor, then its bye bye project. Urgh, quite scary.
One of the scariest meeting or interesting meeting was actually meeting someone from Vancouver, Canada. Have to go all the way to his hotel to meet him. Quite impressive hotel as well. But having to meet someone who comes here all the way to do the presentation for us is actually quite stressful if this doesn't goes through. Heh, and what I'm quite sad is he was asking us what is good in KL,and me and my friend was sort of lost of words. :P (looks like we need to know more good places in KL)
Anyway, keeping this finger crossed. Have to think more positive on things and move on if it really didnt work out.
"Failure is a stepping stone to success"
Posted by
8:22 PM
Labels: personal
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A trip to PD
Just recently, I went on a family trip for a short one day holiday to Port Dickson. Reason for going, was for my niece. This is her first time going to the beach. :)
We wanted to show her the beauty of the beach and also giving her a feel of the beach. She was excited about playing sand castle since we shared some stories with her and showed some pictures to her as well.
The day arrived when we all leave for PD and when we arrived, the beach was actually pretty abandoned. Guess its a holiday mood, most of the people must have gone back to their home town. This was during the 'Hari Raya Holiday' time. Ahh, not bad, private beach for ourselves. :P
At first my niece was a bit scared of the waves, but slowly she got used to it and she really enjoyed herself playing by the beach. We helped her build a small sand tower / castle.
But anyway, later on, i walked around the beach and i found something beautiful and something ugly....
Here's the natural beauty of the beach...
And here's the ugly part of the beach...
Eww, polluted by man kind. After a short walking only i realize that every step i take, i can see RUBBISH!!!
I think this is losing its name for big tourist attraction from my point of view. But I'll hope for the best.
After awhile of playing and walking, we decide to take our leave and head home to KL. For me its good to be away from all the technology and enjoy the wind and the beach once in awhile. :)
"Have a break once in awhile and not get too absorb in your work..."
Posted by
6:26 PM
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