Thursday, December 11, 2008

Knowing my own language...

Well, i know i need to know at least my own language first before i learn other languages. Sigh, but im doing it the other way round.

Last 2 days, I send my friend off to the airport. Not that my friend is leaving for good, but just going off for a holiday. Once we're done, (I was with another friend) we went to get ourselves a drink from some 7-11 look alike store. Its run by indians, and when we make our payment, they guy said the price (RM4.80) in 'Mandarin'.

We're stunned for a moment, and wondering what he said. My friend blurted out saying, "Sorry i dont understand, we're bananas". Lucky i took mandarin(basic) before and realize that is RM4.80. Anyway, we paid him RM4.80 and he said thank you in 'Mandarin' again. Felt abit mocked actually. hehe

But yes, i think its a sign already. I will set that as my goal for next year. Early new year resolution! 'Able to communicate in mandarin by end of 2009'.

I believe its important as whatever race you are, learn at least your own language. Lucky i know cantonese, but thats not enough. Mandaran is very important as well.
Oh boy, a good year of challenge coming ahead. :P wish me luck.


Josephine said...

Fren, I teach u mandarin, u teach me sign language. Deal?

Anonymous said...

Good to know more languages. Great in doing business deal!

Edward said...

Josephine: Sure np. When can we start? :P, wait for you to be back here first lor.

peteformation: Yupz, more language is always better. Means also more market to target as well.

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