Holiday have arrived and I'm still not feeling the holiday season at this moment in Malaysia. Well, things didn't go well recently. Yesterday morning i received a sms from my friend informing me that his mum have passed away.
This year itself I have a few close friend's family whom have passed on to another world. This year seems like a sad year actually...but i guess life must still goes on. No matter what happens, I think that the person who have moved on will live forever in our heart and definitely will not be forgotten.
Now, all i can say is that this is not the end of the world, (Wish I could get that message across easier). But I'm sure that our loved one's who have passed on will want us to find our purpose in this life and will want us to always be happy. Definitely for us to continue living on with a life full of purpose and making our loved ones proud and appreciating more of those who are still around.
Well, at the end of the day, no matter what, we must again learn to walk the path of life and realize that we need to choose what we want and how we go about it. I pray for the best and will have positive thoughts for my friends.
"Memories of our loved ones will never fade away but live on forever in us..."
About Me
- Edward
- Who am I? A happy go lucky person. Believe that nothing is possible, and we must strive to succeed in our dreams. Always wanted to be an Internet Entrepreneur, and believe in helping people out when they need it.
Occupation: *Secret*
Blog Status: Still growing and getting more things to be added.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Remember remember...
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9:53 PM
Labels: personal
Monday, September 29, 2008
Choice and Fate
Recently I got a short debate with my friend about fate and choice. Quite an interesting topic and thus, i decide to blog about it.
Choice consists of the mental process of thinking involved with the process of judging the merits of multiple options and selecting one of them for action. Some simple examples include deciding whether to get up in the morning or go back to sleep, or selecting a given route for a journey.
(taken from
Fate is defined by Destiny, controlled by free will, explained by Karma. Destiny refers to a predetermined course of events. It may be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual. It is a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed natural order to the universe.
(taken from &
Those are the definition give which i get from the Internet. Now to me, choice and fate (destiny) are closely related in our journey through life. But yes, i totally agree that some things we are fated to be, like our parents, once they give birth to us, we can't re-pick our parents and reborn again, breathing - we can't stop breathing we are fated to be born in this world to breath in order for us to live on then only time we stop breathing is when we die (unless new technology is invented that could supply us oxygen and replace us from breathing), and etc.
But I strongly believe that throughout our journey in life, we are fated to do something in it but at the same time given the choice to accept this fate. Like for example, maybe someone is fated to do missionary for his or her life, but because he could not give up his work of high paying salary, he decides to stick with it until it is too late for him to fulfill his fate. To me, at times sometimes our heart is telling us to do something that could really be out of this world and hard for us to understand. But when we start following it, somehow a path will be shown to you and along the way new guides will be guiding us and finally reaching to our fate.
So its actually a two interlock event. Without us making that CHOICE to follow our FATE, then we won't be able to fulfill our destiny that is planned for us on earth. Sounds contradicting? Well, it isn't when you think about it, aren't human beings granted with the power of choice. And from this choice we will then decide to use to either fulfill our fate and achieving our destiny or either defy everything and do what we all feel like it.
I have a friend who told me that his heart told him to climb Mt Kilamanjaro. Sounds crazy right? But yes, he actually went there, of course he didn't do it overnight, he planned for it and along the way, events are unfolded to him and allowed him the chance to go there. This all happened because he CHOOSE to go and thus FATE takes place and thus allowing him to climb Mt Kilamanjaro. :)
"One of our greatest gifts is out intuition. It is a sixth sense we all have we just need to learn to tap into and trust it."
- Donna Karan
Posted by
3:30 AM
Labels: personal
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
One of the most talented and inspiring person i've ever met....
Recently there is an event that i took part in helping out to promote deaf artist to the public and exposing their talents to the public. Interesting event and it was really a meaningful event for me. What really catches my attention was this lady (as shown above) who is actually deaf and blind!!
What she is doing is that, she is making some paper art work and it takes a lot of feeling and focus to properly do a nice paper art work. As you can see, all the items that are displayed is all made by her. Can you imagine, being deaf and blind at the same time? I don't think I can live my life if i ever became blind or deaf.
How does she communicate? Well, I have to hold her hand, and sign to her. Really a challenging task. Anyway, this lady is actually born deaf, and she was a teacher teaching deaf students. She became blind after giving birth to her second child. It was pretty hard for at first when she was blind, but she didn't give up. She wanted to make herself useful, and she picked up this paper art work, when she is blind. She told me that, when she first became blind, she just kept on crying and crying and crying. But after all the hardship, she decide to smile again, she decide to continue on living, and be happy about her life. And she actually smiled at me, which is a very beautiful smile. Imagine such strength and determination she have. I was really touched about her story.
After talking to her and after telling me her story, it really kept me thinking about how blessed we all are, and how we should appreciate life more. So many people keep complaining about their life that its not fair and there's nothing to live for, well they should think again. There's so many things in life that we should appreciate and we should continue on living it to our fullest, and don't forget to give back to the needy. :)
"What is the answer to life? Live it out,appreciate it without abusing it and sharing the joy with others."
Posted by
12:42 PM
Labels: motivation
Monday, September 22, 2008
A blind boy story
I always like innovative story. Keeps us motivated more and helping us to improve further. Check this out:
A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: 'I am blind, please help.' There were only a few coins in the hat.
A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.
Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognised his footsteps and asked, 'Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?'
The man said, 'I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way.'
What he had written was:'Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it.'
Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?
Of course both signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind. Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?
Moral of the Story: Be thankful for what you have. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively.
Posted by
11:29 AM
Labels: motivation
Monday, September 15, 2008
Feng Shui
Usually i don't really pay attention to Feng Shui and all the things around me. But I was at Joey Yap's event on Feng Shui at PWTC. Man, you will be surprised that there are so many people around there. Well,though it's not as big as the pc fair event at PWTC or Matta Fair, but it's not too bad for feng shui.
Why am I there? I was there for to open up my eyes and see what Feng Shui can do for me, especially about my life, money, family, health and etc. Yeah, you can say, I was being curious.
At the event, there are a lot of booths promoting about energy, bazi, fortune telling, wealth, property, cleaning stuffs (I dont know why their there), books (all about feng shui and Joey Yap's book), and etc.
Quite a day for me. And I took a Numerology reading, based on my date of birthday. According to them, they can tell our characteristic and our life based on our dates. Heh, don't want to go in detail, but from what the lady say, seems quite true so far about my life, she explained by character and why my luck is like that and how i could improve it. From it I got some sort of 'lucky charm'. Man, sound like i'm going old fashion style already, but yeah, u have to listen and see to actually believe it. Guess this is what you call faith?
Anyway, what is most important, we all keep an open mind and continue to learn new things whatever we do. Sometimes when we move forward so much with technology, we forget that the ancient knowledge is how it got us to where we are today. A blend of this and the new technology should be the era we all should be heading. :D, just my idea.
I also learned that for those who are working, always important to keep your things on your left side, and don't face a wall when you are working. If you are, put some pictures in front of you to improve your feng shui at work. hehe, hope this helps some of you all.
Overall, I'm happy that i went for this feng shui exhibition, I don't mind going again next year. Think there's one in January but its by Lillian Too.
"The true gentleman does not preach his beliefs until he does so by his actions"
Posted by
7:01 PM
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Obsessed with treasures!!
Recently, out of no where, i was a bit spendthrift. :P
Yupz, i usually never buy stuffs for myself, but I just keep seeing wonderful things that attracted me to buy. Ok, the following are the treasures that I recently acquired. Please note that I'm not selling them here, this is just a sharing session of my moments. (but I'm open to GOOD OFFERS, hyuk hyuk hyuk)
Item 1:
The Royal Mint of Malaysia - Rooster Gold Coin
Saw this beautiful, coin and it's like love at first sight. :P
Item 2:
HSBC Pocket Watch
I like these kind of collectors Item, looks cool if i wear it. But i think i'll just keep it as it is.
Item 3:
Quantum Pendant
This pendant apparently is for health. When I wear it, it helps to circulate the blood and also gives us energy to our body. Going to find out more on this coming wednesday. But really sounds like a cool technology. Can't resist it.
Really, hope it's worth my buy on all these items. hehe, Will find out soon.
"Do not be absorbed or be obsessed with the materials of the world. There are far more better treasures that cannot be priced in this world and Love is one of them"
Posted by
9:31 AM
Monday, September 8, 2008
Great gathering!
Recently, I just had a gathering with some of my ex-college friends. Everyone's seems to have grown up and some seem to looked the same. These bunch of guys have been with me for a long time, and I'm so glad to have this gathering.
Anyway, one of our friend is here for a short holiday. He's Indonesian and went over to China to study. Good to know that he's finally seeing someone, (KOREAN girl). Wow, big surprise for alot of us, but i guess when it's time for us to meet the right person, then thats the time for us.
I'm glad to see some of them already working and climbing quite fast in the corporate ladder, and some doing their own business as well. Everyone's growing man!! Soon, one of these gathering will be for a wedding? I've yet to receive one from my college, but I'm sure next year I'll get at least one. :P
The dinner was great, we had our dinner at Yuen restaurant in Sunway. All you can eat is always fun, and we took our time to eat for the steamboat. This gathering was also to celebrate 2 birthdays along. Took them by surprise!! Yes, finally. :) (usually, birthday guys always know their surprises, maybe we didnt plan it well before)
(I would have taken the honey chicken photo, but I was too busy eating the honey chicken when I finally got my hands on it)
OK, foods great at Yuen, but the honey chicken wings seems to be always the hardest to eat. My main purpose was to eat the CHICKEN WINGS. But every time the waiter / waitress puts the chicken wings on the buffet table, EVERYONE rushes to take the chicken. And it's gone in 30 - 60 seconds. Wow, talk about hungry humans!! Lucky for me, we sat there and took our time. About 9.30 - 10pm only I was able to grab some chickens!! Yes, when a lot of people have gone home for dinner, then I can come in to grab the chicken wings. :D
After a long night of catching up, we all have to take our leave as, the next day, a lot of us have to work still. Sigh, when you're having fun, time seems to pass by so fast. It's a great memorable night for me.
Posted by
10:55 AM
Labels: personal
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Focus and Obstacles
Life is always full of distraction and obstacles. You do this, something comes to distract you. You try other things, people try to discourage you again. That's why they say when we do something new or something out of our comfort zone, things around us will try to get us to go back to our normal ways. It's really what I see that is going on around. However, only those that can really overcome this distraction and the negative environment can we actually take another step forward to a new dimension.
Ok, what I'm saying might not make sense, but a good example is this:
1. Lets say we try to change our daily habit to wake up early. If we don't do it on a consistent basis, we can end up sleeping late again when we are not consistent. Or when we start listening to our little devil (tempting us to sleep and go another day).
2. We try something new like something out of this world. People around us sees us as abnormal and try to get us back to their real WORLD by advising us to stop, and giving all the negative reason.
3. Or someone wants to be a professional GAMER,but in our parents eyes, that's a no life career and wants us to go back to some NORMAL work.
So, you see, all the things we actually try to do, there is obstacles. Only by FOCUSING on our targets and not giving up and overcoming the obstacles will bring us one step ahead. :)
"If you meet a dead end, don't forget to go over the dead end."
Posted by
6:22 PM
Labels: personal
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Independence Day In Malaysia
A video of the day we got independence. :)
Posted by
2:24 AM
Labels: history, independence day
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