Monday, September 29, 2008

Choice and Fate

Recently I got a short debate with my friend about fate and choice. Quite an interesting topic and thus, i decide to blog about it.

Choice consists of the mental process of thinking involved with the process of judging the merits of multiple options and selecting one of them for action. Some simple examples include deciding whether to get up in the morning or go back to sleep, or selecting a given route for a journey.
(taken from

Fate is defined by Destiny, controlled by free will, explained by Karma. Destiny refers to a predetermined course of events. It may be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual. It is a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed natural order to the universe.
(taken from &

Those are the definition give which i get from the Internet. Now to me, choice and fate (destiny) are closely related in our journey through life. But yes, i totally agree that some things we are fated to be, like our parents, once they give birth to us, we can't re-pick our parents and reborn again, breathing - we can't stop breathing we are fated to be born in this world to breath in order for us to live on then only time we stop breathing is when we die (unless new technology is invented that could supply us oxygen and replace us from breathing), and etc.

But I strongly believe that throughout our journey in life, we are fated to do something in it but at the same time given the choice to accept this fate. Like for example, maybe someone is fated to do missionary for his or her life, but because he could not give up his work of high paying salary, he decides to stick with it until it is too late for him to fulfill his fate. To me, at times sometimes our heart is telling us to do something that could really be out of this world and hard for us to understand. But when we start following it, somehow a path will be shown to you and along the way new guides will be guiding us and finally reaching to our fate.

So its actually a two interlock event. Without us making that CHOICE to follow our FATE, then we won't be able to fulfill our destiny that is planned for us on earth. Sounds contradicting? Well, it isn't when you think about it, aren't human beings granted with the power of choice. And from this choice we will then decide to use to either fulfill our fate and achieving our destiny or either defy everything and do what we all feel like it.

I have a friend who told me that his heart told him to climb Mt Kilamanjaro. Sounds crazy right? But yes, he actually went there, of course he didn't do it overnight, he planned for it and along the way, events are unfolded to him and allowed him the chance to go there. This all happened because he CHOOSE to go and thus FATE takes place and thus allowing him to climb Mt Kilamanjaro. :)

"One of our greatest gifts is out intuition. It is a sixth sense we all have we just need to learn to tap into and trust it."
- Donna Karan


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