Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Facing rejection...

Facing rejection can be a bit hard at time. But it does happen no matter where we are and what we do. We will some how face this kind of rejection and we must not forget to learn from it. No no, this rejection that i faced recently wasn't from any girl, but its from a client.

Well, I was suppose to do a presentation to my client to try to 'Win' the project, if they like our idea. But apparently to my client, we got back to them a bit slow, and they have to move faster. Thus, they have to pick someone already and he told us to stop working on the mock work. When he said "Sorry, we already decide on who we are giving the project to. Thanks anyway", this feeling really felt like seeing Donald Trump telling me 'You're fired'. Well, things already happened, time wasted on mocks and guess we just hv to move on then.

I must say, that it was a good experience working with 'stylish clients' who wants a certain kind of creativity added to their products. And being creative isn't my number 1 skill. :P
Oh well, this is something i must learn, when i speak to other person, i must speak their language in order to properly convince them and be able to be intune with their thoughts so that things can go smoothly. But I'm glad I get this experience.
Back to working harder and meeting more people!! Think positive!!

"Don't forget to learn from a mistake and it will be valuable experience for your future."


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean...i knocked on over 400 doors for my 2.5 weeks during summer sales and sold nothing...The rejection..Argghh...

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