Monday, August 18, 2008

A trip to Zoo Negara

Last Thursday was quite a fun day for me. Went to the ZOO NEGARA! Yay, well the thought that came to my mind was the KFC song that i used to hear when I was little. 'Lets go to the zoo la la la' :P thats all i could remember for the music lyrics.

The purpose of this trip is to take some deaf kids from YMCA to the Zoo. It's about to start their school holiday and thus, we're taking them out to have some fun. We arrived at the zoo at about 10am. It took us about 1 hour to drive to Zoo Negara! Wow i didn't know it was that long to drive there.

The first thing we did was going on this long transporter for us all to ride all around the zoo so we could get a first grasp of the whole place before we start walking around. On this day too, we saw a lot of kids from other kindergarten visiting the zoo as well. There's about 3-4 groups from different kindergarten visiting the zoo today. Quite pack!!

Next thing we did was going for the animal show, but I didn't manage to take much picture cause I was busy interpreting a bit. Good time for me to practice my signing.
After the show, we head for lunch, and I was thinking of having KFC! Lol too bad we didn't see any KFC around, just some burger shop (mcdonald look alike). Guess that would work for us and kids love this kind of food these days.

After lunch, we just do a relaxing walk around and head back to the entrance of zoo to wait for our transport to head back home. Going back to the zoo really brings back some memories to me, since I haven't been there for years. I think I was only 7 years old when i went to the zoo. :)

That's the group photo we took when we are leaving the zoo. Oh yeah, i didn't mention that we went with some parents as well. Taking care of kids is not that easy!! Especially if their running around and they don't really listen to you. hehe, but i guess thats kids. Something for me to learn.

"Be adventurous when you're raising a kid. So we could bring out the creativity in them!"


Josephine said...

My last visit was around 7-8 years ago. From your photos, I found that the ZOO still look the same, not much changes.
Does it smell the same too?

Edward said...

Yeah, left that stinky part out. IT IS STILL STINKY. But i guess the animals have to do their 'business' as well.

joycy said...

wow! good and fun activity too!

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