Wow, time flies so fast! Now it's already July (Almost a month already since im Jobless). Well, what are your plans for July?
Ok, few things I want to do this month, first is going on a holiday. :P Well, we all need to rest also mah. Well priority is not holiday only, gotta work and also enjoy. ;)
That's what i think life is all about, we need to enjoy ourselves and also work hard. I'm going Genting on the 12th of July - 13th of July 2008. The last time i went there, was a rather scary experience. Ever heard footsteps in your room when you know that no one was around? Thats the price for getting FREE ROOMS. Spooky hotel the last time i went. Hope this time i don't get any weird encounter.Well its a short break after all.
As for work plans, really gotta kick my butt to launch my site soon, or my partners will be banging on my door or calling me already rushing me. :P
A good friend of mine will be back as well this month. Can't wait to meet up with him. He's been away to US for a very long time. Finally he is back for good. :)
Seems alot of things happening already this month. OK, back to my work.
One of my favorite Quotes:
"Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why its called the present."
About Me
- Edward
- Who am I? A happy go lucky person. Believe that nothing is possible, and we must strive to succeed in our dreams. Always wanted to be an Internet Entrepreneur, and believe in helping people out when they need it.
Occupation: *Secret*
Blog Status: Still growing and getting more things to be added.
Monday, June 30, 2008
July has arrived!!
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8:51 PM
Labels: personal
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Weekend Training
Last weekend was quite a fun and knowledgeable weekend. I went for a training program at Tropicana Gold and Country Club. This training program is titled 'Creating The Vibrant & Dynamic Individual Using The Bio-Cybernetics Training Program'.
Now what is this program all about and how i got involved? Ok, in brief it's basically a life improving program, finding the truth, making us a better/nicer person and learning to be successful in life. Please note that this is not a religious program or any cult practice. Now I'm sure most people will ask, who is this speaker and they would like to know more information about him before even wanted to register for his program.
I didn't know the speaker before I go for this program, in fact all I did was reading his book first. I met this guy who was promoting his book in Amcorp mall, and he told me about this book and it's ideas and teachings. This got me quite attracted to it and i read the book. After reading it, i wanted more information and i read the 2nd book. The first book that i read was 'The 7 basic laws of nature' and after reading the 2nd book, (I forgot the 2nd title :P), I was already wanting to meet this author already. That was how I was introduced to this program and I decided to go for it.
The author titled himself as 'The Uneducated One'. I find it rather mysterious and this made me even more interested in meeting this person. You can visit his blog at if you would like to know more about him.
Ok, i don't want to talk so much about the program, as I'm still digesting all the information that i learned for the past 2 days, but you can find out more of the program at and also purchase the books / audios at Please note that I'm not promoting this as a AFFILIATE PROGRAM to make money.
Anyway, what did i experienced in this program?
Before this, I realized that I was really looking for an answer about my life, and about the truth and so many things more. That how i discover this program and through this program, I'm beginning to walk to the right direction in seeking for that answer. Now I'm not saying that I have found my answer, but I'm just saying that I've been put in the right track and mind set to head towards that direction to look for that answer. And i realize that whenever i speak to someone, I'm actually looking to myself! This made me realize that i should be more confident in myself when I'm speaking to anyone and I should really look at them in the eye. I also realize the sins that I have committed without even know that it's actually bad, which again wanting me to improve myself further to be a better person. As for my career, this has made me even more determined to succeed in what I'm looking for, and will continue to persevere and work towards success. I would recommend this program to anyone who is looking for an answer in life and looking to succeed in life.
Cheers then. :)
Oh, the picture above is all the participants of this program. Got some cute girls in it. :D
Knowing the truth is "Nothing"
Awareness of the truth is "Something"
Living the truth is "Everything"
The Uneducatedone
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6:09 PM
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Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wireless Access Limit....
Ok, after class (if you didn't know, i'm currently taking Japanese class) today, I went for a short meeting with a friend for some work. Yay, a project that is now undergoing. Hopefully this could get me some $$$.
Well anyway, i decided to meet this friend of mine over at Coffee bean at Mont Kiara.
Quiet place, and seems like a good place to discuss things. The first surprise I have over there was, that the parking within that vicinity is no longer FREE. I had to pay for parking now!! Argh, and then the drink cost me RM13.15. This is turning out to be an expensive meeting already.
After settling down and setting up my laptop, i decide to go over to the counter to ask for the password / username to access to coffee bean's wireless network. They gave it to me and I happily try to connect to the Internet. However to my horrors, I'm not able to do so. So I went back check with them and apparently in Coffee Bean, they limit to 7 users only to access their wireless network.
OH dear! Is this all bad luck? Sigh,I did what I can to discuss with my friend though not a lot and finally we agreed to meet up another place at another time. This time, I'll make sure that there is Wireless Internet Connection that would not limit the number of users!
Pray for the best then.
"“When emotions are managed by the heart, they heighten your awareness of the world around you and add sparkle to life. The result is new intelligence and a new view of life."
-- Doc Childre and Howard Martin
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11:18 AM
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Information overload!!
Urgh, been a long day today. Been reading and doing some programming lately. I realize that when im doing research on my own and programming on my own, its SO EASY to get distracted.
Headache has hit me on the head and i realize that, i can't just do as i go. That would definitely lead to FAILURE.
What i need to do is:
and really bury it in my head. I mean yeah, i do plan for my work, but I realize on the Internet as you read and read and read, there's just too many things out there for me to make use and follow up. Gotta just focus on one specific topic or website and follow it through till the end before going to the next one!
Alright, enough of this, time to PLAN properly!
"Fail to plan is planning to fail"
Posted by
2:55 AM
Labels: personal
Monday, June 23, 2008
Busy but jobless?
OK, been about a week already since i update my blog.
Been running around and setting things up and reading up on a few things. Eh, wait, I'm jobless right? Oh well, thats why I'm busy. :P
The reason for this that, MOST people who are jobless usually go around enjoying themselves and sleeping till late, (well I'm not saying I don't do that) but I have to start to discipline myself now to get busy and get the brains working!
What have i been doing for this whole week?
first was, meeting up with my friend at his office in KL Sentral. He is setting up some training center, and I'm just there to help him out to take care of his office while i use his facilities. :P, not a bad idea for me. Just awaiting for his green light.
Next was, i was reading up on this ebook, on Reselling Web Hosting. Quite interesting book, you can check it out here for FREE:
Other than reading, i've running around to banks to settle some of my autodebit stuffs which i need to cancel off, meeting people to try to get new projects, and also catching up with old friends. :)
One of them which i recently catch up was from my college. And she's already register for her marriage already. Wow, so young already getting married. For me its still a long way to go. You can check out her blog at
Well, thats all for now.
"The whole secret of freedom from anxiety over not having enough time lies not in working more hours, but in the proper planning of the hours."
-- Frank Bettger
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8:00 PM
Labels: personal
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Out on an errand
Yesterday (Sunday) Was quite a day for me. I was suppose to meet a client of mine to help him out to setup his office's wireless and advise him what kind of PCS / Laptop to buy.
Started off at 2pm, to look around at one of the IT Malls nearby, and after 2 hours of scouting, we got 2 DELL desktop at RM800 each. I think thats not a bad deal for a pentium 4, 2.6, and 256 SD Ram. It came along with Original Windows 2000 Pro.
Once we got the desktops, we head over to my client's place to setup his wireless for these 2 desktops. He's offering FREE INTERNET ACCESS to his customers at his hotel. He owns 2 hotel, one is 1 star and the other is 2 star hotel. I'm actually very impressed with what he have achieved so far, and want to strive to be as successful as him in the Internet Industry.
Once all the wireless and desktop have been setup on both of his hotel, he paid me RM200 for my service, and im off for dinner with my family. What a great day to meet an Entrepreneur in person. I'm even more inspired to be as successful like him.
"The road to success is never a straight road. It is always bumpy and winding along the way, but never give up and continue your journey no matter what happens!"
Posted by
7:47 PM
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Liking this work style
The third day of me not working for someone seems to be fantastic. Hope to keep this momentum going. Having the freedom to do what i like and to do things that I wish is great. However, some warnings for those who are not careful, being able to do anything you like can lead you to be distracted by a lot of things as well. And you can also mean that you are totally unproductive.
I've learned this the hard way as my previous time of being unemployed, i was sleeping through the days, and doing nothing at all for almost EVERY SINGLE DAY. Such a terrible times i was facing previously.
Right now, i start my day by waking up at about 6.00 am in the morning to take a walk with my dad. After that i go for family breakfast at about 7.00 am and at the same time we send my niece to kindergarten. At about 8.30am - 9.00am, i'll be back home and that is the time i start my work.
What i'm doing now is usually some outsource work for my friend (partnering), and at the same time doing my research and website building on my own. Since I'm internet marketing, I need to keep my programming knowledge up on php, mysql, SEO, keyword research, basic Adobe Photoshop, and things that is related on the Internet.
Along the day, if i get tired, usually i'll take a short nap like about 30-60 minutes. Sometimes, i have to go out to meet people, for meetings and to get new customers as i help people setup their e-commerce site as well. About 12.30 - 1.00pm is my lunch time. I've set to this time as i'm used to go for lunch during this time in my old office.
What time do i get off work? Well, usually its between 5-6pm, as that is the time i have dinner with my family. After a short rest, i usually get back to work or go out for a tea with my friends at night.
I try to sleep early, as the next day, i have to wake up early for the morning walks. Kinda like this lifestyle.
Well here's one of the affiliate that i am involved in and I would like to present to you:
Posted by
2:29 AM
Labels: personal
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Hello there,
My name is Edward. Just Edward. My life have just changed recently, and i'm jobless. Well not exactly jobless, but a new journey for me to find the entrepreneur in me.
You see, i always wanted to do something online, and finally a lot of events is taking place now. Things are coming into picture (Finger crossed) for to move into this Internet business. Well, i tried once before, and i failed miserably and made me go back to employment.
I don't fancy to work for someone, and i always wanted to be my own boss. Well i know it takes discipline and stuffs like that, and thats why im taking this step now to be more focus and the feeling is stronger in reaching out for my dreams.
Well, that's how this blog is started. I made some blogs before, but this is my new one, and im sure i wont give this up.
Stay tuned then, and make sure to visit my blog often, im sure to update it more now.
"What you believe yourself to be, you are." -- Claude M. Bristol
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8:24 PM
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