Recently someone told me this story, and I find it very meaningful, so I thought of sharing it out and see what you all think about it:
There was this king, a very powerful king. But one day, he was thinking, how to get himself motivated if he lost everything. He was thinking how can i be motivated if I lost EVERYTHING.
So he held a meeting with his ministers and asked for their opinion, and one of them suggested to him to find a WISE monk in the forest. So the king organized his trip and it took him 1 week to finish his preparations.
When he arrived at the place there he found out that the monk just passed away. Feeling frustrated that he didn't get his answer, he started blaming his ministers for taking so long for his departure and prepared to leave.
But before he leave, the monk's deciple, who is 10 years old came to him and asked him, "King King, please don't leave yet, why did you come to see my master for? Please share with me and I might be able to help you out.".
The king thought about it, and decide to give this boy a chance to answer him, so he shared with him what he is looking for and asked if the boy knows the answer.
The boy thought for awhile, and replied the king, "Well this is indeed a tough question, but before my master died, he left me a small cube with a note inside it, and ask me to open it only if I am really in trouble. I guess this will be able to answer you".
The boy gave the small little cube to the king with a small note inside it. The king agreed that he will only open it when he is really in trouble and kept it around his neck.
Years passed, and the King's kingdom got conquered. He lost everything and he was running away alone. While he was running, he fell and dropped into a pool of mud. Then he remembered the small little cube he have with him. He told himself "What could be worst that this situation now, I've lost everything. I think this is the time for me to open this message".
When he opens it up, the message says this: "This will pass"
Feeling true to the meaning of this message, he went to his neighbour country and organized a new army to take back his kingdom. He was truly victorious and gained back what he have lost.
After his victory, he threw a big party to celebrate for 30 days and 30 nights. During his celebration, one young monk rushed to him and called for him. "King! King! do you remember me, the small monk that you met about 10 years ago?".
The king immediately remembered him and personally came to greet him and thanked him for the message. He said if not because of him, he would have given up hope.
The monk said, "Oh i came to give you another message, i forgot to mention this to you when we first met. This message is also meant for you when you are in best moments".
Realizing it, the king ordered the celebration to stop and for the rest of his life, he lived a balanced life and being satisfied throughout his life.
What is the moral of this story?
In life, there will be great moments and there will be bad moments. But all will pass and life will still go on. Thus always remember, don't be over happy when you are UP there, and don't be over sad when you are DOWN there. Just live on and you'll be just fine.
About Me
- Edward
- Who am I? A happy go lucky person. Believe that nothing is possible, and we must strive to succeed in our dreams. Always wanted to be an Internet Entrepreneur, and believe in helping people out when they need it.
Occupation: *Secret*
Blog Status: Still growing and getting more things to be added.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A short story...
Posted by
3:16 AM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Back home again
Last week was a very tiring week. Had to go to my client's place to do some work. Really reminds me of employment. But yeah , guess I have to do this freelance for awhile until things are more stable for me. Well, it's only 1 week and I'm glad I made it through.
Other than a busy week, my weekend was quite tiring as well. My relatives from US is down here in Ipoh, and that's where I went last weekend. Really love Ipoh, good price, good food (ouch, I should not be eating a lot), and lots to catch up with my relative.
And in my aunts house in Ipoh, wow, for the first time I saw the biggest winter melon that I ever seen in my life. Its a 8kg winter melon! If it's mine, I might use it to take part in a competition. :P
I spend most of my time sleeping while we are traveling to Ipoh and back to KL. Had a late night the night before, guess now I know why i always dont recognize roads.
After I'm back home now from all my work and tiring weekend, I have a friend who recently just broke off. Well, to him it seems like its the end of the world. Urgh, please wake up and don't just think thats the only thing left to do in life. Well, he called me up earlier and told me something STUPID that he wants to do. Sorry, can't mention it now, but what he is going to do, can really destroy him. Sigh, I just wish him the best.
Alright, time to get back to my own work now!
"When someone loses their sanity, they will destroy everything close to them...."
Posted by
11:41 PM
Labels: personal
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Recently I read this article about Procrastination. Pretty interesting, check it out:
What are you procrastinating?
"The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started."
-- Dawson Trotman
Procrastination seriously drains our energy and our morale. What remains undone nags at us.
What are you avoiding? Make a list of items and then review each one. Does it really need to be done? After you've reviewed your list, prioritize it and start one task today.
Please do not procrastinate taking one minute to write down your answer to this question. Capture it on paper and this will help build awareness, commitment and discipline.
"How soon not now, becomes never."
-- Martin Luther
"Talk does not cook rice."
-- Chinese proverb
"Do you know what happens when you give a procrastinator a good idea? Nothing!"
-- Donald Gardner
Source from
Posted by
7:06 PM
Labels: awareness
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Time for a change
Ok, something really hit me hard today. Well not physically, but something that I didnt realize that I should have done ages ago!!
Anyway, I went out for dinner with a friend today. She's suppose to pass me some book on lingzhi. Some health stuffs, which I wanted to find out further. I picked her up and we were discussing on where to go. Finally we decided to eat Nasi Lemak at Paramou (Fantastic Nasi Lemak there).
Then she told me that I was bad influence to her after our dinner. And I asked why? Since she liked the food and we all had a good time eating. Then she told me that this is very high cholesterol. And she gave me some long talk about living healthy and etc etc etc....
Well, I know that I've been ignoring this, but today it hit me right on the head. When we talked about my family history and all, she told me that I'm under very high risk factor because my dad have heart blockage, my mum have high cholesterol, my grand father pass away because of a heart attack, and my eldest brother have high cholesterol. She was practically shocked that I'm not taking care of myself.
I only realize it after she told me that and I really need to do something it. I mean it shows already that it's all in my family and if I don't do something about it, I think i'll migrate to another world at a very age. Scared I AM, but I hope I'm not too late.
Starting tomorrow, I'll start off by cutting all the fatty foods, fried chickens (I love most) and sweet drinks. Urgh, giving up good food is hard, but this is something I have to try to go through now.
Thats why they say, "You are what you eat", and that is so true.
Wish me luck.
Posted by
9:03 AM
Labels: Health
Friday, July 18, 2008
Working together can be productive
Today I went over to my partner's place to do some work. He is a freelance writer and since I'm into Internet Marketing, and I'm not good in writing, thus we decide to work together and help each other out. Which Is cool. :)
What I realize from our partnership and the time i spent working today together with him, I realize that people can be more productive when you are working together with someone. We help each other to be more focused, and we agreed to meet up at least twice a week in order to make sure we are going in the right direction.
Sometimes, it's really pain in the ass when we are alone and it's so easy to get off course, plus when you're with someone, you don't feel that sleepy at all. Which is good for me. :P. (Usually i get very sleepy in the afternoon and I'm always half asleep at that time) *Ashamed*
Alright, time to work, today we're suppose to finish off one of our project by today. Hope it'll be done soon.
"You can break 1 stick easily, but if you have a stack of stick, it will hard to break it. Team work is one of the key to success."
-- Unknown
Posted by
3:13 AM
Labels: work
Monday, July 14, 2008
Holiday to Genting...
Last weekend i went to Genting for a short nice break. Ahhh...going for a short holiday is always great to refresh yourself. :)
Well, what did I do in Genting? Well, all I wanted was to relax, and not to get stressed up. Lucky I didn't meet up with any "THINGS" in the hotel room. Next time i go Genting, i'll go back to Highland Hotel again.
What did I do there? I went for the indoor park (non-scary rides), motion master, Ripley believe it or not?, window shopping around Genting, and some place to eat. Eating there is really EXPENSIVE. MCD's breakfast can cost you about RM13++ for the normal breakfast set.
Yupz, I'm proud of it, I didn't go to the Gambling Den. :D, well I was thinking about it, but then i decided not to go. Lucky for me, that I didn't drive up there, just follow my friend's car and go up all the way to Genting. On our way back, the trip was pretty misty and spooky.
But overall, I really feel more refreshed and relaxed about it. Sometimes, we gotta recharge our battery in order to be more productive in future. :)
"Rest when you are too stress, work hard when you are refreshed. Balance this and you will have a more enjoyable life."
-- Unknown
Posted by
8:39 AM
Labels: holiday
Friday, July 11, 2008
The art of believing and following our dreams....
Believing and following our dreams have always been within us when we are young. We tend to dream to become someone, and wanting to achieve that dreams of ours as well. I remember when I was young,I always wanted to be a programmer, because of father. He was good in computers and he picked it up himself. Thus from young I was already influenced to computer stuffs already. Well as I grew older, I liked it because of the GAMES. :P Thus it attracted me even more to be a programmer. Later on, was chats via the Internet and again I was hooked onto the computer.
Thus in Uni, I end up studying IT and have my desire to be a programmer. Good thing was that I like programming at that time. Well at the age of 22, I achieved this dream of mine to be a programmer. Yay!! And I lived happily ever after...
YEAH RIGHT! If only it was that simple. I realize that being a programmer isn't what i really wanted. Oh dear, after all the years of growing up thinking to be this person, I actually didnt like the job. I didn't like the environment, I didn't like doing it, urgh, the thought of it just gives me the goose bumps. Guess, I like more freedom and working for someone else, sort of closes up all my freedom.
Thats when I realize that I need to change my thoughts, my thinking and my desire. My ultimate goal now is to have a stable Internet Business that is generating profit :)
. When we believe in it, and plant our seed of desire / hope / ambition and if we keep thinking about it, one day, as we work towards it I'm sure it will come to us. Just that make sure that what we really want is the one we desire the most and put all hope and faith in it.
Now I'm like starting all over again. Educating myself the basics of business, trying my best to meet new people to get business contacts, working on ideas, working on my products, and finding partners, and etc. Phew, starting from ground work again can be hard work, but I appreciate this experience.
Most people along the way to their dreams or goals, they face with obstacles and opportunity. Most fail because they can't get through the obstacles or take the obstacles as a WALL but not as experience to help them out in their later challenges. Ok lah, gtg now, just wanted to share this thoughts out and hope you all will achieve your dreams and goals as well. :)
To your success!
"We only have one life, so live your life out to the fullest and never regret what you did."
Posted by
1:19 AM
Labels: personal
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Formatting work
Formatting pc/laptop is not one of my main forte. But if I get some small jobs for it, I'll do it. Gotta have the 'just do it mentality'. Someone once told me that, if you're paid RM500 you should do a RM5000 job, and you will succeed in life. Wonder if that is a good idea.
Anyway, I was given a new Acer 4310 laptop to format and it's loaded with a Window Vista. In future, if anyone is buying Vista, please make sure you have at least 1 gig of ram to run your vista, if not please insist the shop guy to change your Operating System to Window XP. It is so slow when it is running on a 512 RAM machine.
The laptop is loaded with a SATA hard disk. Now, when you want to format it with Window XP (startup), please ensure you change the SATA mode to IDE mode. If you don't do that, when you startup with your XP CD to format, XP would not recognize your hard disk. But after changing it to IDE mode, then it's fine.
Now after you have loaded your window XP inside, always ensure you install your laptop / pc driver in order for it to run properly. Usually we can find all these drivers from the laptop's brand website. Like if you're having ACER, you can find your driver at the ACER website. Please make sure you choose the right driver as well, if not it wont run properly.
Once you have installed all your drivers, make sure you add some protection softwares inside like Antivirus (Bitdefender / Avast) and Firewall (Zonealarm). Finally after loading all the softwares inside your laptop, now you're ready to go. :)
Format - format means clearing your laptop / pc, and reinstalling (putting) a new operating system to your laptop / pc. What is operating system? Operating systems are like Window XP, Window 2000, Window 98, Linux Red Hat, and etc...
Ram - computer memory. Just make sure you check your ram type. There is SD ram, DD ram, and RD ram.
"In life, one must not complain how unlucky and how bad our situation are, but we should look forward and count all our blessings along the way"
Posted by
4:03 PM
Labels: work
Sunday, July 6, 2008
A trip to KLCC
Last Saturday, i went to KLCC with 2 friends to visit ARCHIDEX08 - 9TH MALAYSIA ARCHITECTURE, INTERIROR DESIGN & BUILDING EXHIBITON. I'm not any architecture, nor am I some creative guy. Just following my friends to open my eyes to see what this is all about.
Argh, my only regret is that I forgot my camera. :( Sob sob.
Anyway, after the exhibition, as usual, the girls would like to go shopping. Well, it's not that I don't like shopping, think I'm quite used to follow people go shopping.
The interesting part was this: I had an interesting debate with one my friend. She said that girls must not be seen wearing the same cloths to a party/outing with the same people at different times. Example, going out this week and next week with the same people, the girls should not be wearing the same thing.
Then I asked her why is it that important? I mean, are we judged by what we wear? What are clothes for? To me cloths are just for our basic needs to protect us from cold and 'horny eyes (boys and girls)'. Cloths does not portray who we are but it is our inside that will portray us. We don't need cloths to actually represent us that we're macho / cool / sexy / whatever you want, how we want to represent ourselves starts from within, not from the outside.
To her, color represents or enhance how feel and gives us some booster. Example, when we wear certain colors, it could boost our happiness and our confidence as well. And also it's some form of creativity to her since she's going to be an architect. Maybe it could actually bring out some creative ideas out of us.
And you know after some points from my friend, she told me that basically this is like some hobby to girls. You know like geeks comparing their high tech gadgets or guys comparing their girlfriends, and as for girls, its like showing their cloths collections as hobby. I find it hard to respond to her when she said its like a hobby. Guess it's female's nature. Anyway what do you think about this?
After that, went over to 'Chef and Brew' restaurant for dinner at Plaza Damansara. Pretty good place for dinner. Peaceful, not packed, and good food. I'll be sure to take some photo details on this restaurant in future.
"What matters most is the inside, not the outside"
Posted by
4:20 AM
Labels: personal
Thursday, July 3, 2008
A trip to IPIK
Yesterday is not a working day for me. I went to IPIK (Institut Pengurusan Ilmu Khas) for some volunteer work there. Thought of just sparing some time to do what I can do help out. I'm sure you all heard of YMCA before, they have some stuffs to do there at IPIK and i go in as a volunteer to help sell things for them.
What is this IPIK all about? IPIK trains people to help the disabled when they graduate. Wow, i didn't know that something like this actually exist. There's a lot of good people out there. Here's the booth that we setup for YMCA to sell some deaf stuffs.
The interesting part is, a Datin actually comes to this event. Usually most VIPs would send in their assistants or their representative to go for most of the events that is unimportant to them (Especially events that does not make money). Thus,I'm quite happy to see a Datin who really turned out. :)
Here's a photo of her greeting others as she is walking into the hall. Her name is Datin Asariah, looks like a very nice lady.
The next part that i enjoyed for this volunteer is that, they provide food in the morning, lunch and also tea time. Well, I guess thats how government event / meetings / training works. Feeding us with foods and making us happy. Then i realize, eh where all these money comes from? Ahh. its from us, the CITIZENS. All the foods we buy kfc, mcds, and etc all have 5% government tax and also the salary of the citizens as well. :(
Once the Datin finishes, then we all packed up and go home as well. Tiring day for me, but a good day to see government run events do their work.
"My greatest wealth is the deep stillness in which I strive and grow and win what the world cannot take from me with fire or sword."
-- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Posted by
8:35 PM
Labels: volunteer
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Running around...
Today is a hectic day. Gotta go to my old office to help out my ex-boss. Well not for free lah. I don't work for free, unless I'm volunteering for a good cause. :P
Well, I had to go back cause the new staff have left the company. So I'm following up on some stuffs in the company and did a lot callings. What is this company all about? Ok, I used to work as a recruitment consultant. If you need a job, just drop me a note here. I'll do my best to help you out if I can.
Anyway, I took my camera along to my company and I decide to snap some pictures to have something to remember for my old office.
After a long day at work today (worked half day,helping my ex-boss only), I had to go to Mid Valley to meet up with some old friends who used to take sign language classes with me. It's been awhile since we all met up. Sigh, quite sad that some could not make it. But still, I had fun. Went over to Kim Gary for dinner and had a good time there.
Oh I discovered that most of them are actually very good investigators. Anything they want to know, they'll question you down to the core. Scary lah. :P
After dinner, we walked around for awhile and we all headed back. Hmmm....these 2 days I'm not doing much on my own Internet sites. Not a good sign, Friday is when I'll resume back again. Guess then I'll have to be fired up again. Oh, yeah, a friend of mine shared with me that hypnosis could help us out to actually stay focus / heal ourself. Hmmm...something like talking to our heart. But to do so we have to talk to ourself and make it that we truly believe in it. I'll try to understand deeper and try on myself the next time I need to get something done. :P
"Sometimes the most urgent thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest"
Posted by
10:31 AM
Labels: personal
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
A good learning experience
Yesterday was quite a busy day. Went to a contact's office to do some work over there. And I think trip is really a worthwhile trip. Anyway, I had to settle some work for this contact at KL Sentral. Sorry, can't name the contact, didn't get his permission to do so.
Anyway, while I was there doing my part of work for him, I couldn't help it but to take the opportunity to tour his office and also get some pointers from him. After all he is already doing his own business, and so I wanted to ask him further about business.
You see, what i learned from him is that, the world is all about Leveraging our work, working smart. Two very important points he told me:
1. 80/20 pareto principles. Concentrate on 20% which can generate 80% results. If you realize what you are doing is 80% which generate 20% result, then we need to rethink and rework our strategies. (Guess what, I think I'm mostly doing 20% work and getting 80% results, OH DEAR!!!)
2. Offline and Online world media is very different. He asked me to leverage and utilize my offline network / connections to make money and then moving on to the Internet world. Make sure I'm creating a good profile for myself at the same time. (Guess I'm not leveraging enough).Also, apparently, recession will be hitting us by end of the year. Which I was advised to make as much money as I can and save up for it.
(On a side NOTE)
I like the working environment there, (No I'm not going to be a staff there, just doing a short freelance work there), check out the meeting rooms and also the guest area.
(End of side note)
Well after speaking to him, i went back to finish off my work for him and then rush back home before the jam starts. Before I took my leave, I thanked him for everything that he shared with me, and I'll be keeping in touch with him for any advise or work to be done for him. It's not always we can meet someone who is willing to guide you or willing to impart knowledge to you, and I'm very grateful about this.
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."
Posted by
6:37 PM
Labels: personal
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